FEMA 101: Unlocking FEMA's Public Assistance Potential
CourseJoin DRS for an introductory guide to FEMA's Public Assistance Program.
Introduction to Grants Accounting
CourseJoin DRS to master the essentials of federal grant accounting under Uniform Guidance.
ARPA Compliance Review
CourseJoin DRS as we provide a roadmap for ARPA recipients who want to maximize their use of ARPA funds while minimizing their risk of non-compliance.
Allowable Procurement Methods Under The Uniform Guidance (UG)
CourseJoin DRS as we explore the various procurement methods allowed when using federal grant funds, and the considerations your entity should make when determining the best procurement method to carry out your specific federal grant projects.
Build America, Buy America: Is Your Local Government Agency Prepared?
CourseTake a deep dive with DRS into the expanded domestic preference rules implemented by Build America, Buy America (BABA). Is your local government agency ready?
The Top Five to Survive: Procurement Actions Your Organization Must Take to Optimize Federal Grant Funding
CourseJoin DRS as we discuss the top five most costly procurement mistakes when using federal grant funds.