The Value of a Pre-Season: Planning for Disaster
CourseJoin DRS for a recorded webinar where we share tactics for proactive risk management that allow your organization to prepare for disaster.
Federal Funds S.O.S: Socioeconomic Contracting, Oversight, and Suspension, and Debarment
CourseDive into the details of three of the most challenging aspects of managing federal grant procurements - Socioeconomic Contracting, Oversight of Contractors, and Suspension and Debarment.
Stay Ahead of FEMA COVID Clawbacks in Healthcare: Understanding Duplication of Benefits and Its Impact on the Claim Recovery Process
CourseJoin DRS for an informative webinar where we will walk you through the fundamentals of the Duplication of Benefits (DOB) calculation required for FEMA COVID recovery submissions.
Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Update
CourseJoin DRS for a review of the upcoming changes to the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts rules and compliance.
Treasury's SLFRF Flexibility Act Interim Rule
CourseOn August 10, 2023, Treasury released the long-awaited Interim Rule for the SLFRF Flexibility Act provisions included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. Join DRS for a discussion of the new rules.
ARPA Insights: Compliance Checkup + Obligation Deadline Best Practices
CourseJoin DRS for an in-depth overview of the compliance requirements for the American Rescue Plan Act's (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF).