Resiliency All Access Pass
BundleHighest Level of DRS Academy Access ⭐ALL CEU-eligible courses⭐ Monthly live DRS expert panel discussions ⭐Early access to new DRS Academy content⭐ One great price for a full year after purchase.⭐ Over $1,500 in savings
DRS ProFlex Procurement Consulting Bundle
BundleTen as-needed procurement consulting hours for twelve months from the date of purchase.
Introduction to Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Grants
CourseJoin DRS as we provide an overview of how CDBG-DR funding is distributed and general program requirements. We will explore program topics such as eligible activities/projects and what documentation is needed when applying for CDBG-DR funding.
ARPA Obligation Deadlines and Beyond
CourseJoin DRS as we provide timely information regarding ARPA obligation deadlines and tips to be "closeout ready".
Business Interruption 109 Builder's Risk
Simplifying Your Disaster Response
CourseEffective disaster planning and preparation can greatly improve an organization’s ability to recover after a loss. With Hurricane season underway for many parts of the Country, now is the time to discuss proactive steps.