ARPA Compliance and the Obligation Deadline
CourseWith the obligation deadline for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds just weeks away, join DRS as we field questions and provide key points to help your agency prepare for the obligation deadline.
FEMA Procurement and Contracting Essentials
CourseThe top reasons FEMA funding is denied or clawed back are all related to procurement and contracting missteps. Join DRS as we provide an overview of the essential procurement and contracting requirements of the FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Grant.
Introduction to Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Grants
CourseJoin DRS as we provide an overview of how CDBG-DR funding is distributed and general program requirements. We will explore program topics such as eligible activities/projects and what documentation is needed when applying for CDBG-DR funding.
ARPA Obligation Deadlines and Beyond
CourseJoin DRS as we provide timely information regarding ARPA obligation deadlines and tips to be "closeout ready".
Simplifying Your Disaster Response
CourseEffective disaster planning and preparation can greatly improve an organization’s ability to recover after a loss. With Hurricane season underway for many parts of the Country, now is the time to discuss proactive steps.
Grants Management Fundamentals - Part 1
CourseOur federal grant subject matter expert, Rob Hogan will lay out the fundamentals your organization needs to navigate through the complexities of managing federal grants.